
Consumer trust in the food industry is declining, why? GettyImages/Drazen Zigic

Trust in food industry declining

By Donna Eastlake

As consumers become increasingly engaged in understanding the contents of the foods they’re consuming, it appears that trust in the food industry is plummeting. But can that trust be restored?

As farmers age, a larger and larger percentage are over 60. Image Source: Getty Images/Henry Arden

How to incentivise farmers to work longer

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

With an ageing population and youth reluctance forcing up the average age of farmers in Europe, how can they be incentivised to stay in a physically demanding job for longer?

Low-histamine diet: Is this the new food trend to watch?

Low-histamine diet: Is this the new food trend to watch?

By Donna Eastlake

Understanding of high-histamine and histamine-liberating foods is relatively new, but it’s quickly gaining consumer interest. So, what is this new trend towards consuming low-histamine foods and is it one to watch?

Are plant-based meats low in protein? GettyImages-DjelicS

Are plant-based meats low in protein?

By Donna Eastlake

Meat-free alternatives to burgers, sausages and steaks have become popular in recent years as consumers look to reduce their meat consumption. But do these meat-free alternatives offer the same benefits as meat itself?

Could keto diet delay early Alzheimer's. GettyImages/Liudmila Chernetska

Could keto diet delay early Alzheimer's?

By Donna Eastlake

The keto diet has been linked to multiple health benefits, including lowered blood pressure and reduced blood sugar, but could it also help to combat the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease?

How is the food industry tackling salt reduction? GettyImages/AJ Paulsen

How is the food industry tackling salt reduction?

By Donna Eastlake

High levels of salt in food is becoming an increasing concern for healthcare professionals and consumers as the dangers of a high-salt diet becomes more widely understood. So how is the food industry tackling this issue?

How is the food industry supporting childhood nutrition? GettyImages/Image Source

How is the food industry supporting childhood nutrition?

By Donna Eastlake

From infancy through to adolescence, nutrition is essential in ensuring a healthy body and mind for our youngsters. So how can this be achieved and what it the food industry doing to help parents?

Food swaps to stop biodiversity loss. GettyImages/RealPeopleGroup

Food swaps to stop biodiversity loss

By Donna Eastlake

We’ve all heard of the rallying World War Two cry, ‘Dig for Victory’, urging citizens to combat food shortages by growing fruits and vegetable in their allotments and gardens. Well, now people are being urged to make food swaps to stop biodiversity loss....

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